Welcome to { the blog }

Thank you for visiting Mika Beth Edwards Photography Blog. This is where we showcase our amazing clients. Each and every session gets a sneak peek to show their family and friends. Hopefully you will enjoy the new larger images as much as we do!

If you scroll down you are able to view ~ truly the most awesome clients any photographer could ever ask for, not to mention the most beautiful! Remember, be sure to bookmark our "new blog". Please let us know what you think and come back often! We love to hear your comments below each post ~ don't be shy!

A little bit about us: We (Mika Beth and Matt) are a husband/wife team that run a full time boutique portrait photography business. I am a portrait artist based in Fort Smith, AR. Mika Beth is the one who shoots and Matt does all the business end! When you call for an appointment it will be Matt who will help you book. Then I am in charge of the artistic part of the business! We are very easy to work with. We have special guidelines all laid out to help you with all the ordering process. We work very hard to make your experience here memorable. We look forward to working with you!

Thanks for visiting... Mika Beth and Matt

2009 Christmas Cards…

Whoa… I’ve been a designing fool lately!  Here are my 2009 Christmas Cards!  Aren’t they so pretty?   For Photographers: they are available this week at www.millerslab.com!  These are just a few.  I will be designing a couple of more bundles!  Anywho, school started today so I will have some quiet time to gets lots of work done!  I sent my baby to Junior high, my second baby to 5th grade and my  youngest baby to 2nd!  82 days of summer we survived!!!!  Ok, I have only 15 spots left from August- December!  That is not very many, so if you are wanting to book a fall session for Christmas Cards… you should probably call very soon.   I booked up WAY sooner than other previous years. That makes me nervous for all my clients that are “last minute-ers”  First day of school pics to come!! Enjoy!      OH, big news… we have been working on a very special webblog :)  hehe… it is so dang cute, I can’t wait for you all to see it.  Everyone knows that I am a clothes FREAK!  I usually sell all my boutique clothes EBAY, but now I have decided to open up our own clothing blog.  I will announce it’s opening ASAP!   I will be selling mostly Sophie’s clothes and our photography wardrobe!  Our closets are overflowing!  It won’t be an auction site like ebay, but a one price buy it now type blog.  My house is overflowing also, so You  NEVER know what will show up on this blog!!!  I am so serious!  I’m in the mood to redecorate and clean out!  So this will be a really fun blog to watch!  STAY. TUNED.purple-passiontwittergray-christmasrainbow-bright1elegant-copypeace-lovejolly-lights-copypartrigevintage-letter1leafy-goodnessmod-circle1